

Executors allow Actions to be run in specific contexts. For example, assume you want to build an app that requires external dependencies, like grunt, java, composer… You can specify that the deploy Action runs in a normal context and that the builder Action runs in a docker or in a lambda or in any other context managed by an executor.


An executor changes the way the resume() method executes. It mainly has two modes: When the resume() of an Action with an Executor is called:

—> :construction_worker: Today, we only have the DockerExecutor. We are expecting to write an Aws ecs and an Aws lambda executor. We would be pleased to receive contributions to go quicker!

Specify an Executor

You only need to add to the Action class:

export class MyAction extends Action{
    executor = new DockerExecutor({
        // ...

Sometimes, an Executor needs some installation before being able to be called. This installation can include building a docker image, deploying a cdk… As a consequence, an Executor has an install method which returns an Action.

const dockerExecutor = new DockerExecutor({
    // ...
const installAction = dockerExecutor.install()

You should consume the install Action before using the Executor. Example:

export class MyBuildPipeline extends Workflow{

            const dockerExecutor = new DockerExecutor({})
            return dockerExecutor.install()
            const myBuild = new ActionThatUseExecutor();
            return myBuild;

Write your own Executor

Writing your own Executor is a bit more complex than consuming an executing one. You can refer to the source of the DockerExecutor here. The documentation on this point is pending.