
Action lifecycle

An action has a lifecycle that starts when the action is saved in the database. Then, Orbits takes care of the different states and calls the appropriate function when needed, with correct locks and timeouts.

A standard flow would be the following.

In some special cases, you can customize this flow to better fit your need. For example, the watcher can emit an ActionState.SLEEPING to return at the beginning of the flow. Make sure you understand what this implies before doing it.

Methods to manage the state of an action

The resume method

Each action has a resume method. This method calls the appropriate flow and functions corresponding to the action state. You can use it if you want to manually update or check for updates to the state of an action.
This resume property is called at a regular rate by cron jobs.

The init method

The init method is called before any calls to the main or watcher method. It guarantees that the action instance has loaded the correct information from the databases or other external resources.

The main method

The main method is called once and only once, after the action entered the EXECUTING_MAIN state. The main method should return one of these three states: SUCCESS, ERROR, IN_PROGRESS.

The watcher method

The watcher method is called potentially multiple times when the action is in the IN_PROGRESS state. The watcher method should return one of these three states: SUCCESS, ERROR, IN_PROGRESS. It can exceptionally return the SLEEPING or PAUSED state.

Flow states and steps


An action begins in the sleeping state. Nothing will happen before a first call to the resume method. If your action is saved in the database, the Orbits cron will take care of calling resume for you.


Comes just after the SLEEPING state and before the call to the main method. It acts as a lock: only one process can do the transition from SLEEPING to EXECUTING_MAIN, ensuring that the main method is called once and only once.

An action can stay in the EXECUTING_MAIN state only during only some delay. This timeout is configured via the dbDoc.delays[ActionState.EXECUTING_MAIN]. After the timeout expires, a call to the watcher method is done.

See here for more infos on how to configure the delays.


The main and watcher methods can send an ActionState.IN_PROGRESS to mention that the action is still pending. When an action is in progress, a call to resume will call the watcher method. As a consequence, the watcher method can be called multiple times. An action can stay in the IN_PROGRESS state during only some delay. This timeout is configured via the dbDoc.delays[ActionState.IN_PROGRESS]. After the timeout expired, the action will enter the ERROR state.

See here for more infos on how to configure the delays.


The action has succeeded. If it is part of a workflow, the workflow will be notified of the success. It then enters the CLOSED state.


The action has failed. If it is part of a workflow, the workflow will be notified of the failure. It then enter the CLOSED state.


If no rollback is possible, a CLOSED action will be deleted after one day.